Since its foundation in 1898 by Christina Herr "Berggasthof Linde" has always been owned by the same family, spanning five generations. Hospitality has played a significant role in the 100-year-history of "Linde".
What once began as a small business has been growing from generation to generation. This all could only be achieved through hard work and the desire to fulfill the wishes of our guests.
Once a small farmhouse - now a well-known and established restaurant in the region, this all is a result of innovative and industrious work of several years.
Our cuisine attaches value to fresh and quality products, most of them we obtain directly from the region, but partly also from northern Finland. Here are some examples:
For example:
• bread and butter from farmers in Sexau
• fresh game from the surrounding forests of Sexau, Siegelau and Kollnau
• fruits and vegetables from Kaiserstuhl
• veal from the region
• reindeer and other specialities from Finland
A friendly service is our top priority.
We are especially proud of having being awarded a prize for being a family-friendly restaurant.
Our goal is to work as responsibly and successfully as the generations in the past.

The most important thing for us is to lend an ear to our guests.
We like to make you feel at home
Katri & Klaus Kern
Presseberichte / Downloads
Hier geht es um Geschmack und Gefühl, den Elchtest im Schwarzwald und einen Rückblick
über 100 Jahre Tradition. Wir wünschen viel Vergnügen beim Stöbern.
Kulinarische Weltreise, Badische Zeitung
Geschmack und Gefühl, Badische Zeitung
Genusswandern in Südbaden, Badische Zeitung
Da brat mir mal einer ´nen Rentier, Golf Enjoy
So kam das Rentier nach Obersexau
Rückblick auf 100 Jahre Tradition
Da brat mir mal einer `nen Elch
Restauranttest Badische Zeitung
Doppeltes Glück im Schwarzwald (auf Finnisch)
Elchtest im Schwatzwald (auf Finnisch)
Fusion mit Finnland